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1 Preface
 1.1 Welcome to YAGS
 1.2 Citing YAGS
 1.3 Authors
 1.4 Contributors
 1.5 More Information

1 Preface

1.1 Welcome to YAGS

YAGS - Yet Another Graph System (also Yttrium Aluminium GarnetS) is a GAP package for dealing with graphs, in the sense of Graph Theory (not bar graphs, pie charts nor graphs of functions). Our graphs are then, ordered pairs G=(V,E), where V is a finite set of vertices and E is a finite set of edges which are (ordered or unordered) pairs of vertices.

YAGS was initiated by M.A. Pizaña in May 2003, and later incorporated the work of R. MacKinney-Romero, R. Villarroel-Flores, C. Cedillo and I.A. Robles (in that order, see Section 1.3 for details). It sprang from our need of computing graphs and graph parameters within our research on graph theory and clique graphs. Consequently, YAGS is well suited for these purposes.

YAGS is a GAP package and hence its code is interpreted and not compiled (although some compilation possibilities exist in GAP). Therefore, from the very beginning, it was clear that speed is not our main goal. Instead, we wanted a very functional, full-featured system; a system adequate for rapid prototyping of algorithms; and a quick, easy-to-use, way for testing the rapidly changing working conjectures that are typical of the research process.

Over the years, YAGS grew to its present size of more than 200 methods and more than 10 thousands lines of code. We considered that all this code and effort could (and should) be useful for other people and then we decided to engage in the task of tying up loose ends and writing this manual.

We would like to mention that we started using GRAPE, and we are grateful to its author, Leonard H. Soicher, for the very useful system that we used for several years. But at some point we needed some Object-Oriented features that were not easy to implement in GRAPE and our own subsystem had to follow its own way. If the reader has a profound need for having groups acting on her/his graphs, then GRAPE may be the best choice. On the other hand, YAGS offers a much wider set of functions (Appendix B); a graph-drawing subsystem (Draw (B.4-15)); many methods for dealing with graph homomorphism (Chapter 5); an Object-Oriented approach that simplifies the task of working with several different graph categories (Chapter 4); and a generic backtracking subsystem useful to solve many combinatorial problems easily (Chapter 6).

1.2 Citing YAGS

If you publish a result and you used YAGS during your research, please cite us as you would normally do with a research paper:

C. Cedillo, R. MacKinney-Romero, M.A. Pizaña, I.A. Robles and R. Villarroel-Flores.
YAGS - Yet Another Graph System, Version 0.0.5 (2019)

  author = {Cedillo, C. and MacKinney-Romero, R. and Piza{\~n}a, M. A. and 
            Robles, I. A. and Villarroel-Flores, R.},
  title  = {YAGS - Yet Another Graph System, Version 0.0.5},
  year   = {2019},
  note   = {},

Several other citation formats can be obtained from the file YAGS-DIR/CITATION or by typing Cite("yags"); at the GAP prompt.

1.3 Authors

The authors of YAGS in the chronological order of their first contribution are as follows:

M.A. Pizaña
Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

R. MacKinney-Romero
Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

R. Villarroel-Flores
Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo

C. Cedillo
Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

I.A. Robles
Departamento de Matemáticas
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

1.4 Contributors

YAGS authors are grateful with the following contributors for the valuable alpha-testing.

F. Larrión
Instituto de Matemáticas
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

B. Schroeder.
Department of Mathematics
The University of Southern Mississippi

1.5 More Information

More information about YAGS can be found on its official web page and manual:

You can receive notifications about YAGS (i.e. new releases, bug fixes, etc.) by subscribing to its email distribution list:

If you are a developer, you may contribute to our project on our public repository:

Comments, support requests, bug reports and installation notifications are welcome at

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